Saturday, October 24, 2009



Hey almighty God, I have a sweet child born on the eve of new year. You know how cold the weather is. Just imagine how hard to take a conceived woman woman to a maternity hospital. An then you betrayed me after so much effort of mine. 'She turned out to be a girl'. What the hell it is.
but I believe in you, oh Mighty lord!.

I loved that gift of yours being oblivious to my own child. I caressed her even at her nuisance. She wept whenever I hold her, she pissed at my new trousers when I just had had my ablutions she made faces to me when I was happy, I got no solitude when I was harassed by the evilness of this world. I had lost the smell of odor of her mother cause we were to share the bed.

But what I gained was the pleasure of being a father. The father of a charming, sweet, beautiful and arrogant child. The child which used to love its father. I wants it to be same for the rest of my life. But I don't know why you have created devils. She just started believing in the Devil at an instance of space. She bend the general laws of physics. She started bending a 2'' thick solid iron rod with her delicate but nimble hands.

She started worships at midnight. She used to outsmart the crooks. Once she took some money out of a Don as extortion by kidnapping her daughter. She told me that she don't do it for money. But the hell with that. The point is she did it. haauffffffffff.

Oh my sweet lord this child is going out to devil, and now the devil has taken a form of a boy who I don't say exploits her but the case is reversed she is exploiting him. She is my sweet child which I have nurtured with great care and protection. I don't know what is the best possible way to get in to her dreams again.

But can't leave her just like that for committing such high degree crimes. I want to stop her but she didn't listen to me I scolded her but she is just numb. I want to kill her but she feels no pain no remorse. Oh dear God! please bring my child to me.

And if the devil you have her possessed then Oh dear Devil! please bring my child to me.

And my honour to the world.


Oh Devil! you know how much I have loved my father. I don't remember the days before which my memory started, but the memory of the scent of my father still remains in my lungs. I can't recall his expressions but I still have the noble and gentle touch of him in my skin and the firmness of his embraces in my blood. The sweet words are hardest to remember but the sweetness is unforgettable.

Then I got older he brought stuffs for me. May be not from father's affection but may be from obligations of a father. he called me almost always in the most ruthless manners but I adopted his demeanor as my identity. His slangs at others made me laugh and I cherished him as always.

Then, when I got senses, I started feeling nothing for him and then a vacuum was created in the vicinity of the egg in which I live. The yoke of the ellipse started getting paler and I found the pungent and aromatic odor as useless. I got immobilized. The numbness haunted me. The adolescent child has become white from blue.

Then the devil you came in. As the destiny of the colors every girl has to get pink. But for me it was mingled with the reddish aggravation and brownish hollowness. The color of being nothing or maybe something that I can't define haunted me. I started doing this and that is what matters.

The taste of cocaine can elate any one to you. I anticipated that. My father said that I am condescending but I was baffled. My desire of no need and no want would have done that. But to get a deep pink I did all what I should have ashamed off. He told me that I am converting to deep purple. The shame had left me years ago. The pleasure had over powered it. Oh devil you relished me.

But my father is upset not because of vacuum but because of the vulnerable air the has sucked. He wanted me to be the slave of vacuum but the vacuum became my slave and now the smoke of morphine can soothe it.

Oh Devil and oh Father, Leave me to me. (She uttered it as plea but without please)

Oh God please leave me to me. ( In a sound of comfort and no respect)


I can be the Devil or the God, but it doesn't matter to me. I don't create rules. I just intervene in them. I am no good to be the one to solve your problems I just want to make father saffron and the girl pink. but they chose the colors of red and blue. I am nobody.

Even I love pleasure. The pleasure of being with someone whom I can master. Even they want so and that is why they I pleading me. But I know that they shouldn't, even they know they shouldn't. But the colors are too hard to ignore.

Colors have long ago eroded my skin my mind and now its eroding my comfort. But even being an outsider I love pleasure and true pleasure is obtained from our own choices. If choices change, the environment has to modify itself. The desires must be rectified.

I can't do anything because one must fight for his own choices.

Oh father oh Daughter " I am you, cause existence is limited by our own self."

Give me the toast of blood.


Unknown said...

hey good....not but the, I don't actually know what it is, but it is good...

The alchemist said...

let me start mustering some courage before writing the comment for this blog(huuu).
While reading it has sucked more energy than the energy absorbed in a marathon race or in understanding the rocket science.
Caption looks interesting but as we read the depiction of the events, it appears that the author is more interested in his own physical well beaing and there is egotism somewhere hidden in the inner conscience which surfaces time and again.Then comes the devil possessing the girl, which makes the the whole thing more of a kind of facsimile of some earlier narrative and the writer seems to be at his wit's end trying to score some points for him.
It is followed by the depiction of the abhorrent habits of intoxication and the lucid manner in which it has been portrayed suggests that the author has mastered this art.
But all in all a good attempt with an offbeat topic but the more sensitivity is required while writing which makes less sense but more loquacity.(just kidding)...
keep it up but with something different.