Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Confession

This time I am sure you have read the story of "The prince and the swallow" (don't recollect the name correctly).

Once I asked to a teacher, may be a stupid question but I asked, Who will decide who is right, do the society or the god.

That was a long time ago when I read the story when I believed in angels, for helping the people the angel took the broken heart of the prince and the dead sparrow to the heaven.

Now years later what I saw that I missied in that story is the concept of a feeling of being good that might not take you to the heaven but you feel it from the inside. 

No, the most important thing I missed is that who will decide that a sparrow and his little prince is good or not. That was a story of ancient time when we have an axiom that being good is about being helpful. Now the thing comes to the question to my teacher who will decide good. 

Will osama decide that being good means an antagonist to idol-worshipper?
Will US deciede that being a soviet means  you are fed up?
Will Russia decide that being a capitalist means you are of no use?
Will Priest decide that being a harijan means a dog?

I just wants to ask who the hell is the society to decide that we are wrong? This world decides whatever is convinent to them. It sounds absurd but I think humans have conscience to think what is wrong and what is right.

You may give the examples of insanes, mads, fanatics the question again arises: do you want to behave the same way?
The world may tell you it is right because it is better for the society but do you think it is?

This question I have forgotten years ago that was what I want to confess.

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